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Life is simply better on the bay


The Plymouth Harbor Foundation


Our Purpose

The Plymouth Harbor Foundation was established in 2012 to further ensure the following:

  • The appropriate stewardship of contributed funds
  • The development and implementation of fundraising strategies that support the most positive aging experience possible for our residents
  • The provision of funding for innovative aging programs and services in the region

Our Culture

One word: Caring

That is the driving force behind our philanthropy at Plymouth Harbor on Sarasota Bay.


Prior to establishing The Plymouth Harbor Foundation, members of our resident population, their families, team members and philanthropists in the broader community voluntarily donated more than $12 million to perpetuate the Plymouth Harbor mission. We celebrate contributions of time, talent, and financial resources, believing that service and support of other people is a worthy lifelong mission that brings value to the lives of everyone involved.

Our Funds

Benevolence, fellowship, and a zest for life – built upon these three pillars of value, the philanthropy at Plymouth Harbor has always been focused on providing value to the people of Southern Florida and even beyond. Our three broad funds are:

Team Member Assistance

Assistance for team members of Plymouth Harbor who wish to advance their education or certification, or who are experiencing an unexpected, significant financial hardship.

Zest for life

Programmatic and capital support for innovations and enhancements at Plymouth Harbor that improve and preserve a vibrant quality of life for current and future residents, as well as best practices and research into issues germane to all aging services.

Resident Assistance

Assistance for residents at Plymouth Harbor who have outlived their financial resources, due to unforeseen circumstances and require support for basic living expenses and medical costs.

Our Leadership

The Plymouth Harbor Foundation is an LLC of Plymouth Harbor, Inc., and is governed by a separate Board of Trustees. Our Board is made up of three members of the Plymouth Harbor corporate board, three residents of Plymouth Harbor who do not sit on the corporate board, three members at large and the CEO and CFO of Plymouth Harbor. The Foundation has one full-time staff member.

Community Involvement

Plymouth Harbor residents are valued contributors to the surrounding Sarasota community.

Our residents serve on boards and assume key leadership positions at charities and service organizations, working with the community on efforts as varied as conservation, preserving historic landmarks, advancing world-class healthcare, and supporting arts and culture.

In fact, Plymouth Harbor residents played pivotal roles in starting two important local nonprofits: the Sarasota Institute of Lifetime Learning and the Glasser-Schoenbaum Human Services Center.

The Sarasota Institute of Lifetime Learning provides lectures on a wide array of topics, including discussions of the arts and contemporary global issues. The speaker series features former ambassadors and think tank experts in efforts to promote lifelong learning. The Glasser-Schoenbaum Human Services Center works with 17 local nonprofit health and human services agencies to support low income or at risk adults.