Therapy and Rehabilitation Services at Plymouth Harbor’s Smith Care Center
Not long ago, a number of Plymouth Harbor residents gathered to talk with Joe Devore, Vice President for Health Services, and Gina Kanya, Director of Rehabilitation Services, to answer their questions about access to various types of therapy and services available on-site at the Smith Care Center.
Having been a rehabilitation therapist since 1998, Gina Kanya leads the department staffed in part by Functional Pathways, a contract company owned and operated by therapists since 1995. Partnering with Functional Pathways, allows Smith Care Center to provide a level of care unusual outside of larger rehab facilities. This provides the opportunity for residents to benefit from high quality rehabilitation care without having to leave the Plymouth Harbor campus.
When asked about the rehabilitation experience, Gina explains, “I work closely with residents to provide a customized rehab experience that will improve their quality of life and independence. Excellent communication within our interdisciplinary team, and with the resident and family, promotes the rehabilitation process. We want to ensure safe discharge planning by working closely with the resident and family here and upon their return home.”
Rehabilitation services offered on site at The Smith Care Center include physical therapy, occupation therapy, and speech or language pathology.
There are three ways to participate in therapy and access your benefits: Med A, Med B, and Private Pay.
Medicare A –inpatient service
- Services can be planned or unplanned. This means your admission to the hospital can result from an accident or injury that results in admission to the hospital, or it can be a planned surgery such as a total knee replacement and your doctor decides you need 3 days in the hospital and aftercare at a skilled nursing facility.
- You can qualify for care following a 3-day overnight hospital stay. This means you need to spend 3 nights in the hospital (officially admitted). Hospital admissions for “observation” or sitting in the ER do not quality.
- Inpatient service means you are provided a bed in the Smith Care Center. Private rooms and semi-private rooms are offered based on your planning with the admissions coordinator before or upon your arrival.
- Once admitted, your stay extends only for the duration of time you need for 24-hour skilled care. Skilled care means your treatment team decides you need specialty care such as daily nursing and/or therapy.
- D/C to home and follow up with therapy as needed. Once you leave SCC, you can continue with Therapy services as an outpatient
Medicare B or Private Pay– Also known as Outpatient
- Residents can utilize physical therapy, occupational therapy, or speech therapy on an outpatient basis. All the same therapy services are available to you as an outpatient as are available to those staying in the Smith Care Center. You can schedule therapy up to five times a week depending on your specific need.
- Therapy would be useful for:
- Pain
- Falls
- Community re-entry
- Cognitive decline
- Home safety and equipment assessment
Additional Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How do I get started?
Get a standard script for the needed therapy, get it to us, and we will schedule your evaluation. If you are not sure, call us and we sill guide you
Q. What happens when I go to outpatient?
You will have an evaluation, then determine your plan of care and how often with you therapist. You can expect evidence based assessments to track you progress at the start of therapy, again at your 10th visit, and again in the end
Q. Will my status as an Independent or ALF change because I am attending Therapy?
No, the idea of outpatient is to keep you in your home and be as strong as you can in your home environment
Q. Will Medicare cover outpatient therapy?
We will verify your insurance benefits. Medicare does cover but there is a limit to the benefit. All billing is managed through the Plymouth Harbor billing department. If you exceeded your benefits, you have the option for private pay.
Current Plymouth Harbor residents are encouraged to contact Gina directly at (941) 361-7166 for additional information.